Nomination Committee 2018

Nomination Committee in respect of AGM 2018 in Ascelia Pharma AB (publ)

According to the instruction for Nomination Committee in Ascelia Pharma AB (publ) adopted at the annual general meeting held on 31 October 2017, the Nomination Committee shall consist of four members, representing the three largest shareholders per the end of March, together with the chairman of the board of directors. The “three largest shareholders” refer to the ownership grouped registered or in any other way known shareholders as per the end of March.

Based on the above, the Nomination Committee in respect of the AGM that will be held in Malmö on 23 November 2018 has been established to consist of the following persons together representing approximately 62.5 per cent of the shares and votes in the company:

  • Andreas Segerros, chairman of the Nomination Committee, appointed by Sunstone Life Science Ventures II K/S;
  • Nils Lorentzen, appointed by CMC SPV of 3 April 2017 AB;
  • Håkan Nelson, appointed by Øresund Healthcare Capital K/S; and
  • Peter Benson, chairman of the board of directors.

The Nomination Committee’s proposals will be presented in the notice to the Annual General Meeting 2018 and on the company’s website,

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee are welcome to contact the Nomination Committee at the company’s address or alternatively via e-mail Proposals shall be submitted in due time before the Annual General Meeting, but not later than 19 October 2018, to ensure that the proposals can be considered by the Nomination Committee.